Thursday, August 14, 2008

Comic Book Collecting: Keeping Track of your Comic Book Collection

Comic books fans can be found all over the world. The allure of comic books is simply too great to ignore. In fact, for the past couple of years, some of the top grossing films all over the world have been about comic book superheroes. This just goes to show the immense popularity comic books have gained. Thus, comic book collecting has also grown from what it was then, a young boys hobby.

Today comic book collectors come in all sizes, to most adults, their comic book collections are either prized possessions to be displayed to other enthusiasts while for others, they are a great source of profit.

And as more comic books are being sold now as compared to when it started more than seven decades ago, comic book collections have grown leaps and bounds. That's why if you have a huge collection of comic books, then it is imperative that you have a system in storage so that you will be able to easily locate what it is that you are looking for.

Most importantly, when storing your comic books, you should place them in a plastic cover sleeve to protect them from the elements and use acid free backing boards to keep them stiff and wrinkle-free.

You should also always store them in an environment which is not humid, is relatively cool, and away from direct sunlight. Regularly, most experts would recommend that overly large comic books collections should be stored vertically in sturdy boxes which can be stacked or placed on top of each other.

With the boxes, you will be able to label on its outside surface the issues that you have placed inside them. When storing your comic books inside the boxes, try to put carton dividers if there is more than one series of comic books that you have placed inside. The divider can be labeled on top the name of the issues and their numbers. This way you don't have to open each box just to find the comic book you are looking for, remember, less handling, less stress and damage to comic books.

Another thing you can add to make it easier for you to keep track of your comic book collection is by installing tracking software in your computer. There you will be able to put all the issues you have, their value, which box they are stored in, when you purchased them, and so on. Comic book collecting shouldn't be hard, just keep these tips in mind.

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